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i cant change the direction of the wind but i can adjust my sails to always reach my destinationsCollege: University of BirminghamMusic: which suites the timeTV: desperate house wives..lol..my name is carl,eastenders,erica......Books: wht does tht meanSports: so high n many but inshallah 1 day 1 will do that all n then say 2 u all.......................wht my dreams were...................Movies: unfaithful,300,american pie,legends of the fall n many moreWhatImInto: thats wht u have to figure outMyBestFeatures: so many that they couldn,t b explained on this little pageMyDreams: so high n many but inshallah 1 day i will complete all of thm.......................so jst wait n watch,by the way lemme tell u tht i want to b tht person whom people luv alot n thn i will get all
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