About myself |
I am a woman and, means, I am an actress, In me hundred persons and one thousand roles. I am a woman and, means, I am a tsarina, Loved all terrestrial tsars. I am a woman and, means, I am the slave who has Learnt salty taste of insults. I am a woman and, means, I - desert Which will incinerate you. I am a woman. I am strong necessarily. But you know, even if a life - struggle, I am a woman, I weak to a pain. I am a woman and, means, I destiny. I am a woman. I - simply flash of passion, But my destiny - patience and work, I am a woman. I - that great happiness Which at all do not protect. I am a woman. And to it I am dangerous, Fire and ice for ever in me one. I am a woman and, means, I am fine From infancy till an old age grey-haired. I am a woman, and in the world all roads Conduct to me, instead of to any Rome. I am a woman. I am selected by God!:)
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