About myself |
About: I am not your average guy, I like to break molds, deviate from what is normal and be unique. If you would like to get to know me, message me and we can go from there. Ask me anything, I will always answer.Music: Metallica, Staind, Stone Sour, AC/DC, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Static-X, Sevendust, Seether, 30 Seconds to Mars, Audioslave, Cake, Chevelle, Creed, Cypress Hill, Creedence Clear Water Revival, The Doors, The Eagles, Led Zeplin, Dire Straights, Drowning Pool, Spineshank, Goodsmack, U2, Incubus, John Butler Trio, Live, A Perfect Circle, The Presidents of the USA, Pearl Jam, Rage against the machine, Silver Chair, Santana, System of a Down, Wolfmother, Fear Factory and Mudvayne when i am in a bad moodTV: Supernatural,Sons of Anarchy, My Name is Earl, The Unit, Flashpoint, Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, Sanctury, Life, The Sheild, Eureka... Just to name a coupleInterests: Sleep at the moment... i am not getting enoughMovies: Horror, action, martial arts, anime, comedy, scifi, thriller, anything EXCEPT girly movieWhatImInto: Holdens, Cars, Performance Vehicles, Computers, Martial Arts, Fitness, Sleep, Food (Cooking and eating) Fishing, Spear Fishing, Sleep, Driving around and anything else that randomly pops into my head.MyBestFeatures: Smile?MyDreams: World Domination... What else?
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