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About: whateverMusic: is the key to life. Music is what a cold beer is, to an alcoholic.Sports: FOOTBALL!!!!Movies: i love going to see a flick or two, when i can. Not many opportunites, because lets face it...who wants to go see a movie by themselves. I do, actually, and i dont really get bothered by it, but its still dumb.lolWhatImInto: everything....you name it, i'll make every effort to atlesat give it a go once..ATLEASTMyBestFeatures: are.....dunno, you tell me...i will say, i am a crack up, and i like to have some fun. I may not be your average sky diving type...but im a single mom, so dont expect too much. But im always up for a good time!!MyDreams: are very much the property of a very well paid psychiatrist..HA..well, they should be
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