About myself |
Music: Very eclectic!! Electronica,dance,Indie,pop,rock... to list all the bands I love would give me a page as long as your arm!!TV: Hustle,Spooks,Dr Who,Spaced,Green Wing,Peep Show,Jonathan Creek,QI,Family Guy,Being HumanBooks: Crime or blokey Rom/Coms. That said, I do love Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (a trilogy of four,in five parts), The Time Travellers Wife (I cried).. Currently reading a book on Soulmates - very enlightening!!!Interests: Life!!! Music,art,PHOTOGRAPHY!! cooking,theatre,cinema,gigs...oh I will try anything!Movies: Angel Heart, Schindlers List,Shawshank Redemption,Shaun of the Dead,Withnail & I.. Like my music, a very eclectic taste...as long as it is done well.BestFeatures: Thats for you to decide...but I like my eyes,lips,hands,my height,my voice and my bum! hahahaha.kinda pleased with this earthly being I inhabit..Could do with some tweaking but isn't that what being human (and therefore fickle) all about??
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