About myself |
Just do ask.Music: The Script, James Blunt, 70's&80's music, otherTV: I don't watch tv too much. If I do it, I watch good movies that get played just a few times.Books: Well, I don't really read books at all, or almost so...Reading books or reading interesting magazines or good journals may help me unload normal stress due to organizative life.Sports: I have played sports all of my life, but unfortunatly I do not have enough time for doing it now. Usually every year on summer I use to go running. When temperatures allow me train myself it's healthy trying to move body and bones. Running helps me unload concentrate stress. I'm a scorpion, I'm a passionate man.Interests: I care about beautiful women, work, cars but not very much, i love traveling, meeting new beautiful places all over the world thought don't have the time or money to travel too often. I like simplicity, and enjoy life moment by moment. I believe preparing all activities is important during lifetime, but I'm sure that the best moments and emotions come spontanously and without preparation.Movies: I like interesting, history movies, sometimes I use to watch fantastic movies, but they're not my favourite ones, unless they contain beautiful actresses.BestFeatures: When people ask me for a hand I give them help not pretending a personal outcome. I don't jugde, usually, people's behaviour, I like peace, I like perfection but I'm not very severe. I like forgiveness and mercy.Dreams: I am a normal guy, I don't have huge pretensions. I dream about getting entertainment, but think that in life stilness is an incomparable needing. I dream to have a family one day: a girl I love and kids.
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