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Ive Got msn if you wanna chat. Just Ask me, i dont bite lolMusic: Ahhhh music. I love it. Music is my passion. My only love, well other than u guys ;). Favorite genre Metal however im open to any so long as it isnt any rap bassline niche #censored# that the chav society are into it annoys me( seein as they have a tendancy to play it load on the backs of buses, cunts :O) . My favorite ten bands are as follows ( in no order) Disturbed (david draiman yum ur smokin hot) Slipknot Bullet for my valentine( matt scream in my face Please) Machinehead ( rob ur a legend one of a kind) Deathstars ( strangely sexy band ;) ) Cradle of Filth ( there from wakefield :p ) Atreyu ( u guyss rock me baaaad) A7x ( reverend id give u one :p) Rammstein ( u guys pyromaniacs but i love thee) Children of bodom( there finnish wats not to like )TV: CSI CSI CSI CSI and more CSI cant get enough of it. Horatio Cain u are a DILF ;)Books: Hmm lemme see J.K Rowling and harry potter. Robert Ludlum and bourne trilogy plus a lot moreMovies: When it comes to films i can sit down and watch everything and anything :p (providing its good). I love WW2 films with a passion. Defiance and Valkyrie being 2 of the new ones ive been to see are soo amazing. You need to watch them if u get chance. Also you cant beat anime.WhatImInto: Working usually takes up a lot of my time but on my days off i usually like to play on my xbox online. Favourite games include Call of Duty 4 and Fifa 10. I also love to play football with my mates. i also love to draw. Im very interested in Japinese Anime artwork. Call me a freak but when it says my religion is spritual its a nice way of putting that my religion is Satanism. We Satanists are our own Gods, and we are the explorers of the Left-Hand Path. We do not bow down before the myths and fictions of the desiccated spiritual followers of the Right-Hand Path. The adamantine Gates of Hell are hereby thrown open?boldly stride within and learn about the ?Feared Religion,? or slink away in fear and ignorance. The choice is yours?let the games begin!MyBestFeatures: I suppose many peoples first thoughts would to think of me as a bit of a know it all. i suppose this is true as i mostly always have an answer to everything. At first glance you would think im quiet and innocent. However im one dirty minded individual. Ill let u decide the restMyDreams: My dream is what everybody elses dream is. Filthy rich nice house nice car and a nice well paying job. CSI Robert Peace sounds nice ;)
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