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My beliefs! Life is difficult...and once you realize this life becomes easy; life is an illusion; it's your resistance to what is that causes you suffering; healthy relationships require patience and effort; one must separated self from career (unless it's metaphysical vocation); acceptance is the crucial part of any relationship; UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and integration of fear-based emotions are the ultimate goals for all men and women.
There are so many relationships (and I've been in them) where there is not total acceptance and understanding and where control is a vital A personal goal is to get to the point where I can extend love to all and to eliminate my fear-based emotions...very big tasks but I'm giving it a try. You know we try, then we fail, then we try, and so on. The
important thing is to try, although sometimes it is so hard. I think when you can extend understanding to others it brightens your life as well as the other person's. I think one must extend unconditional love
and acceptance for a successful relationship both to oneself and your mate. goal...AND it just doesn't work!!!!!! And, although perhaps I?m beyond the age to have children, I think children are very important in this world for many reasons. To help a child is one of the most spiritual things one can do.
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