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If you aint got anything nice to say - then say nothing. Live each day as if it were your last. If you can be cruel or unkind to an animal, you're also likely to be cruel and unkind to other people. Don't worry about little things - just think, in a hundred years time, will it be remembered by anyone, and will it matter then?Music: I like Disturbed; Aerosmith; Guns n Roses; Creed/Altered Bridge; Linkin Park; Any heavy metal/rock....old and new Not averse to a bit of classical now and then. Any music that makes my hair stand on end, or makes me cry.Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2 & 3; Excalibur; Mel Gibsons Hamlet; 10,000BC; Conan the Barbarian; Stone;WhatImInto: My kids; my dogs and cats; animal welfare; well written books; football!; gardening;earth science/geology/volcanology/meteorology; astronomy NOT astrology!;MyBestFeatures: I ain't got anyMyDreams: If I wrote down what I dream I would put both Stephen King and James Herbert out of business.
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