Online Dating at lovers Dating Website


The information we collect


Our web server has been developed such that it collects information such as ISP domain, the time you stayed on our webpage and the pages from our site.

Seldom, we use cookies to identify you as an individual and respond back to you. This help us in remembering your information, the pages you like and dislikes.

Additionally, our web server does not collect your e-mail information or what pages you visited or accessed.


The Use of this Information


All the information we collect is used to analyze the web traffic and improving content on our web page. Cookies are only used to increase the interaction between you and website.

We can anytime disclose the third parties information on our web site‘s traffic profile page. Internet advertising companies use this data to generate real traffic for their website.

Additionally, our website provides links to services and product, which have their own terms and conditions. We are not responsible in any way, after you leave our website. The company will be able to determine from which website the link was used.

Loversws for Sign-Up Members


The information we collect


We use the information provided by you to establish trusted relationship with us. We use payment information for processing of payment purposes only. We store and maintain information such as member account status, preference of services and member log while providing service.

Loversws can anytime share the member information with selected parties or third party without any notice. Additionally, we use our member data for suggesting up gradation of products or informing new services. This information helps the members to gain insight knowledge of all the stuffs happening in the website.

Loversws will not disclose information in any form like electronic mail or any electronics communication under except for reason stated below. We forward data that we store or receive from members.

  • It becomes mandatory to provide service to the member.
  • It is in vital interest for the Loversws builder and its members.
  • We may not like it, but it is important to cooperate with warrants, legal process that Loversws in its sole discretion feel is valid and enforceable.
  • The data is mandated by law enforcement agency where the data stored in Loversws is pertaining to crime.

Loversws at its sole discretion can block access to communication if it feels it is harming Loversws members or third parties. The action may or may not include to violations in Loversws Terms and Conditions.

Members are free to opt out of newsletters or notices relating to up gradation of products by sending a request to Loversws support team.

Loversws at it sole discretion is free to send newsletter and information regarding our services and products.